smile while you dial

Over the past two years I have worked at Phonathon- the calling center for University Advancement and Development. Working as a caller was a great opportunity to speak with parents and alumni to hear about different experiences people have had at CMU. It gave me a broader understanding of our university and helped me develop … Continue reading smile while you dial

finding purpose through fellowship

At the beginning of my junior year, I became a fellow for Campus Election Engagement Project(CEEP)- a national nonpartisan organization that focuses on getting students out to vote. Ellen Wehrman, former assistant director for CMU's Leadership Institute and now CEEP State Director, contacted me about applying for the position. I wasn't familiar with CEEP, but … Continue reading finding purpose through fellowship


Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to attend multiple Black Lives Matter protests and marches. Each one was greatly impactful, but one in particular really moved me. My friend, Brett, and I were walking into the UC one afternoon when we noticed a group of Turning Point USA students holding all lives … Continue reading blm